Friday, August 01, 2008

35 Years of Wedded Bliss

Friday, August 1 was our 35th anniversary.
In the beginning, ... a bit faded, but ...

We went to Kona with the Whittles to see the new Mummy movie and have dinner

With Charley and Meg


Whitney said...

I'm glad you celebrated. And I'm glad you got married all those years ago. Pod, I love your old wedding photos, but it almost looks as though you have a hide-a-'stache in this one. Say it ain't so!

Bill Hastings said...

Okay, it ain't so! (What's a hid-a-'stache? You can be assured I didn't have so much as a day's growth while in uniform.)

David and Kris Taylor said...

Great wedding photo! Congratulations!


Anna said...

Happy anniversay, thanks for getting married and providing me with a very lovely spouse!
JLynn you look very nice. I like that shirt on you. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

When did mom marry Luke Skywalker? I love it! Thanks for getting married and bringing me here. We love you both!

Shandra and Christian said...

happy anniversary! nothing says 35 years like The Mummy!
and is that you picking up mom at the airport with that sign?

Liz said...

Congrats! We celebrated our 30th the next day . . . for some reason I was surprised that you're only five years ahead of us!

And Coutney, back in the day, we all thought your dad looked like Robert Redford :)