Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Time for Campaignin'

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tony Melendez

Have you seen this guy? Pretty amazing -- both talent and determination.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

PBJ, No! But PB&H, Yes!

Court's recent post prompted me to share today's lunch. If you look closely, you will note the All Natural peanut butter. (I know it looks a bit like something out of Clara's diaper, but it tastes even better than my usual Jiffy Extra Chunky, I think, and I'm sure it's better for me.) Also, note the honey from our 5-gallon food storage container: it has sugared, allowing for a thicker, more generous portion to be applied to the bread without its running down my hand while I eat it. (I always thought the primary reason for the peanut butter was to make one feel better about eating the honey, anyway.) I added the cottage cheese to provide an additional food group and a more balanced meal. Also, a glass of milk to help cut the heavy dose of honey and a couple of chocolate chocolate chip cookies to finish off the meal. Perfect!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Post-American World

Read this on the trip, also. Interesting insights on China and India and what Zakaria calls "the rise of the rest." Also, agreed with much of his thinking on our overreaction to the threat of terrorism (think airport security). When we spend billions out of fear, the terrorist wins. If we refuse to be terrorized, he loses. The book came so highly recommended by a client, however, that I was a bit disappointed.

Cool It!

Finished Lomborg's book on the trip. Basic premises: global warming is a problem and man is a cause, but the consequences have been greatly exaggerated and the costs of Kyoto and similar approaches to the problem are way out of proportion to the value of the benefits anticipated. Better to address world problems where the cost-benefit ratio is better. As for climate change? Recommends a substantial increase on R&D spending in making alternative energy sources more cost effective. You can watch him here discussing his approach to solving the world's problems (17 minute video -- sorry about the TED ad).

I'm running!

I've been drafted! If you feel so inclined, I'd appreciate your support. See link.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Grand adventure

After spending most of a week in Washington visiting Lane (Spokane), Grandpa Throssell (Yakima) and attending law meetings (Coeur d'Alene), we flew to Salt Lake City to celebrate the July 4 weekend with Rob and Anna and keikis, Court and Todd, and Grandma and Grandpa Hastings. My brother Terry finally got his pilot's license on Thursday, and Friday evening he called with an offer to pick me up at Spanish Fork Airport and fly me up the Star Valley for the day. It was wonderful!
Here's Terry in the plane before takeoff.

Over the valley looking toward Y Mount.

Provo/Orem and Utah Lake

Timp and Provo Canyon

Top of Y Mount

Backside of Timp

Star Valley from the South (U.S. 89 on the left; Smith's Fork into Greys River on the right)

Behind Mt. Wagner; Cottonwood Lake in distance
Big Round Mountain (with TV booster) in center; White Cliffs in front left; Afton and Star Valley in background
We attended a program dedicating a new civic center in Afton, including the induction of six early pioneers into a Hall of Fame.  One of the six was my great grandfather, Anson Vasco Call. It was an interesting program.  We had lunch, picked up Angela and flew back to Spanish Fork for a BBQ at Liz's with the family.  All in all a wonderful day.