Saturday, May 01, 2010

Our Little May Day Hike

It's been a coon's age since we've had an outing -- so, what with all the inspiring pix of hikes, we decided to take a little one today. It was hazy, so no pix of town. Recognize this place? Monument's new since I was last up here.


Anna said...

Glad you got out and got hiking!!! Our May Day was cold and wet, not much good for hiking.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Can't wait until we get there next month!! Where is this?

Whitney said...

Yeah, I don't reallly recognize that either. So glad you got out!

test said...

that pond in the second to last looks really nice, is that up above anna's?

Bill Hastings said...

Yes, it's the reservoir toward the top of her property.

David and Kris Taylor said...

It looks like a beautiful place to hike.
