Monday, October 08, 2012

Turkey Day

The turkeys are getting bolder and bolder. The other day they were on our front porch. This morning they were on the roof outside our bathroom window. They did look a bit forlorn -- like they didn't know how to get down? or maybe were feeling suicidal? Don't they know that Thanksgiving is coming soon?


Courtney said...

Hahahaha. Poor turkeys. I don't think they know what's coming.

David and Kris Taylor said...

I had forgotten about your turkeys. They are impressive, but look a bit scrawny for the table.


Whitney said...

Hilarious! Crazy things. Speaking of turkeys, I'm DEVASTATED that the Waimea golf course is no longer. That course was so beautiful, and I loved that the only other "people" out when we went were the turkeys.