Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

We've had some stormy weather -- lightning and thunder three days in a row. Today was clear and beautiful (and cold!). Did get some new snow. My new associate John Roth has had time on his hands, so has been working on a web site for the office (as well as a brochure). Check it out at Suggestions welcome. (Question: Why am I so much balder and fatter in pictures than in real life?)


Anonymous said...

The website is looking good. I'm impressed. Love the photos.

Whitney said...

Very exciting - your very own website. Not that you need any more business, though!

Anna said...

Heck, I'd hire you!

In all seriousness, it looks great and I LOVE the quote on the home page. It's perfect. And your picture is very nice.

David and Kris Taylor said...

The website looks good -- so does the snow!


David and Kris Taylor said...

I came by to see your blog yesterday and it was empty! I'm glad to see it is still here.
