Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why the Christmas Colors Are Red, Green and White

It's nice this time of year when the poinsettias and the snowball bushes are in full bloom. Add in nice green grass and shrubs, and you have perfect Chrismas colors.


David and Kris Taylor said...

That's beautiful stuff; a very different sort of Christmas feeling than snow and pine boughs.


Anna said...

I think I know where that picture was taken. I can't believe that about a year ago we were headed to Hawaii. Can't wait for our next trip there.

Whitney said...

Pretty! I'm so happy Waimea's green. Is that just down the hill from our house somewhere?

Bill Hastings said...

The bushes are in front of the Brighter house -- maybe 50 yards down the street from our driveway.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I wish we were coming home for Christmas...Nothing like a red, white, and GREEN christmas!