Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TSA Controversy

Warning: This collection of news items relating to TSA and airport screening may raise your blood pressure. Of course, if you think it is all necessary and reasonable, I'm happy for you. I still wake in the middle of the night and work on my piece on our Capitol experience with security. If I wait long enough, maybe the public will beat me to it.


Shandra said...

Some of those videos made me want to throw up. I'm all for cooperating with a simple security screening, but it's getting ridicules.

Shandra said...


Anna said...

Insanity. Complete insanity. And the worst is the power trip the security people get on. Like the guys at the Capitol getting all high and mighty over NOTHING! Yup, my blood is boiling.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just when you think it's bad enough, you find out that it is worse.

the silent warrior said...

so out of control. To avoid potentially offending a few people by using logic, common sense and some profiling they would rather offend EVERYONE in the country. And to do this garbage that hasn't even been proven effective? yeah for P.C.-ness!!!

But maybe The Chosen One will let TSA be unionized, which should fix everything. That usually turns out well.

The one GOOD thing coming out of all this craziness is the country is starting to wake up. Soon hopefully, meaningful & positive change can really happen. Not the fake, pretend kind.

hopefully i won't get molested when we come over next month.

Whitney said...

Oh, my gosh. Absolutely horrifying.

Whitney said...

Oh, my gosh. Absolutely horrifying.

Liz said...

Wow. I don't know what else to say. Seems like somebody ought to be able to use their brains a little. I mean, a four-year-old with leg braces? A 70 year old with a knee replacement? Someone with contact solution? Now there's a threat. Give me a break!