Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Waimea 4th of July

While the rest of the country has been baking and burning, we've been chilly and wet. This afternoon was reasonably nice, so we took a little walk down the Waikoloa Stream through town. It begins behind Anunciation Church and follows the stream down to Kahawai Street. There's a bit of controversy over the plan to pave the trail so emergency vehicles and the handicapped can have access. Meanwhile, we've enjoyed walking through the trees and along the stream.
The valley has greened up a lot over the past month.

Succulents in bloom.

We like the pools and little falls.

Found some poha bushes along the way.  The berries are tasty!

Some orange lichen.

Love the green hills.


Whitney said...

It's so gorgeous! Why have I never done this walk? Glad you had some fun time today.

Courtney said...

Nice to see you blogging again! Wow that makes me homesick. So beautiful. And I'm with Whit, where have I been?

Bill Hastings said...

The trail's been developed over the last several years. It's ultimately supposed to go from Church row to Clem Lam's house (by Bill Jardine's) down Kawaihae Road. Clem's been a leader in the project which is supposed to be funded with a bunch of federal money. So far, clearing and woodchips have been with volunteer labor and donations, I believe.

Shandra said...

It's so green right now! Beautiful!

David and Kris Taylor said...

It must be wonderful living in paradise!
